Poniżej plan z czego budowane będą jednostki na dany teatr działań.
Piechota |
Piechota Liniowa | - British Line Infantry [Peninsular War] (Warlord) - Napoleonic British Line Infantry command [Pensinsular] (Warlord) |
Piechota Lekka | - British Peninsular Infantry Flank Companies (Victrix) - BG-NBR312 [VXP0008] British Light Battalion Heads [30] and Arms [4] (Brigadegames) |
Kawaleria |
Artyleria |
Pułkownicy i Adiutanci |
Dowództwo |
Sklepy |
Front Rank | Front Rank - Polish Napoleonic |
Murawski Miniatures | Murawski Miniatures - Grand Duchy of Warsaw Napoleonic |
Sklepy |
Kickstarter - Troops of the Napoleonic Wars - Grand Duchy of Warsaw 28mm | Kickstarter - Troops of the Napoleonic Wars - Grand Duchy of Warsaw 28mm |