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Wojny Napoleońskie 28mm - Bawaria

Poniżej plan z czego budowane będą jednostki na dany teatr działań.

Wojny Napoleońskie 28mm - Bawaria


Piechota Liniowa - Bavarian Line Infantry (Victrix) W PRZYGOTOWANIU
- BVN23 Sapper marching with axe (Front Rank)
- BVN8 Fusilier lying dead (Front Rank)

- BAV 16 Schuetzen skirmishing (Perry Miniatures)
Piechota Lekka - HAT 28010 Bavarian Infantry -Marching- (HaT)
- HAT 28012 Bavarian Infantry Command (HaT)
- HAT 28011 Bavarian Infantry (Action poses) (HaT)
Piechota Lekka (Strzelcy)
Grenadierzy (Gwardia) - Bavarian Napoleonic Grenadier Garde marching 1814 (Steve Barber)


Szwoleżerowie 1)
- BAV 31 Chevauxleger Command galloping 1812 (Perry Miniatures)
- BAV 33 Chevauxleger charging (Perry Miniatures)

- FN 230 French Line Chasseurs a Cheval 1808-15
-Hełmy (z mniejszym pomponem) - AN 100 Austrian Napoleonic Hussars 1805-1815 (Perry Miniatures)
Dragoni - BAV 40 Dragoon command galloping
- BAV 42 Dragoons charging (Perry Miniatures)
Ułani - AN 50 Uhlan Command galloping (Perry Miniatures)
- AN 52 Uhlans galloping, lance upright (Perry Miniatures)
- AN 51 Uhlans charging, couched lances (Perry Miniatures)
- AN 55 Uhlans charging, couched lances, falling plume (3rd regt) (Perry Miniatures)
Huzarzy - AN 100 Austrian Napoleonic Hussars 1805-1815 (Perry Miniatures)
Kirasjerzy - FN 120 Plastic French Napoleonic Heavy Cavalry
-Hełmy (z mniejszym pomponem) - AN 100 Austrian Napoleonic Hussars 1805-1815 (Perry Miniatures)


6 PDR - BAV 19 Artillery firing 6 pdr (Perry Miniatures)
12 PDR - BAV 22 Artillery firing 12 pdr (Perry Miniatures)

Pułkownicy i Adiutanci

Pułkownicy (Piechota Lekka lub Liniowa) - BAV 18 Mount Colonels 1812 (Perry Miniatures)
Aide de camp - BVNP3 Aide de camp at ease. (horse required) (Front Rank)
- LT1A Standing, head up (Front Rank)
Pułkownik (Piechota Lekka lub Liniowa) - BVN29 Mounted Officer at ease (horse required) (Front Rank)
- LT1A Standing, head up (Front Rank)
Pułkownik (Piechota Lekka lub Liniowa) - BVN30 Mounted Officer, sword raised (horse required) (Front Rank)
- LT1A Standing, head up (Front Rank)


Dowództwo - BAV 1 High command mounted (Wrede, Deroy, Prince Prince Ludwig) (Perry Miniatures)
Sztab - BAV 2 Mounted Staff (Perry Miniatures)
Generał Dywizji - BVNP1 General at ease, variation 1. (horse required) (Front Rank)
- LT1A Standing, head up (Front Rank)
Generał Brygady - BVNP2 General at ease, variation 2. (horse required) (Front Rank)
- LT1A Standing, head up (Front Rank)
Sztab - BVNP5 Staff Officer. (horse required) (Front Rank)
- LT1A Standing, head up (Front Rank)

Wojny Napoleońskie 28mm - Bawaria (Sklepy)