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Wojny Napoleońskie 28mm - Portugalia

Poniżej plan z czego budowane będą jednostki na dany teatr działań.

Wojny Napoleońskie 28mm - Portugalia


Piechota Liniowa - Napoleonic Portuguese Line Infantry (Warlord)
- BG-NPT004 [VXP0015] Portuguese Mounted Colonels and Foot Pioneer (2 x mtd colonels) (Brigadegames) [Saper]
Piechota Lekka (Cazadores) - PORT 11 Cazadore command standing (Perry Miniatures)
- PORT 12 Cazadores skirmish/firing line with Brown Bess’(Perry Miniatures)
- PORT 13 Atiradores skirmishing with rifles.(Perry Miniatures)


Kawaleria - PORT 19 Line Cavalry command in shakos galloping, 1810-14 (Perry Miniatures)
- PORT 20 Lin Cavalry in shakos, shouldered swords, galloping. 1810-14 (Perry Miniatures)


6PDR Piesza 1)
- Napoleonic Portuguese Foot Artillery with 6-pdr (Warlord)

- PORT 23 Foot Artillery firing 6pdr on bracket carriage 1807-14 (Perry Miniatures)
9PDR Piesza - Napoleonic Portuguese Foot Artillery with 9-pdr (Warlord)
5.5PDR Howitzer Piesza - Napoleonic Portuguese Foot Artillery with howitzer (Warlord)

Pułkownicy i Adiutanci

Pułkownik Piechoty Liniowej 1)
- Mounted Portuguese officer (Warlord)

- BG-NPT004 [VXP0015] Portuguese Mounted Colonels and Foot Pioneer (2 x mtd colonels) (Brigadegames)
Adiutant - PNP4 Aide -de – Camp (Horse required) (Front Rank)
- LT1A Standing head up [Koń] (Front Rank)


Generał Brygady - PNP2 Brigadier – General (Horse required) (Front Rank)
- LT1A Standing head up [Koń] (Front Rank)
Generał Dywizji - PNP1 Lieutenant – General (Horse required) (Front Rank)
- LT1A Standing head up [Koń] (Front Rank)
Oficer Sztabowy - PNP3 Staff officer in waterproof clothing (Horse required) (Front Rank)
- LT1A Standing head up [Koń] (Front Rank)

Wojny Napoleońskie 28mm - Portugalia (Sklepy)